Probashi Shariatpur Shomity USA

Probashi Shariatpur Shomity USA
41-58, 77 Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373
Business Description

Probashi Shariatpur Shomity USA, Inc. is an association of people from Shariatpur District of Bangladesh. The organization was established in 1989 to build a network among people of Shariatpur District who are living in New York City and beyond. The organization was founded to help each other in times of need. Exact number of members of the organization are unknown. The organization has one president, three vice presidents, one general secretary, one treasurer, thirteen departmental secretaries, and nine executive members. Seven more people represent Shariatpur district at the Thana level – lower administration unit of a district.

Probashi Shariatpur Shomity USA celebrates various national days and events of Bangladesh, organizes picnics, discussions, and cultural events for its members.

[Spelling variations: sariatpur, soriotpoor, shariatpore, somiti, samity, শরিয়তপুর]

Alt. Phone
New York, USA
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