Site icon Bangladesh Circle


Founded in 2010, Wishwas works with primarily with South Asian women (Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Nepali) as well as other immigrant communities to train them to enhance their skills so that they can be self dependent, confidence and be engaged in sustainable work. Wishwas organizes weekly meetings, where women could practice their communication skills, engage in skill-based training and develop relationships with each other. The idea of cooperatives emerged as a self-sustaining alternative for women to gain control of their livelihoods. The organization believes in fair trade, fair wages and expanding opportunities for low-income women and their communities.

Wishwas currently has operations in Jamaica, Queens. All of its training programs are free. Wishwas operates following programs every week:

Vocational Hands-on Skills Training

Wishwas provides hands-on training and support services to develop skills such as design, production and presentation.

Workers Cooperatives

Wishwas provides the initial support structure and referrals to micro-loans for members to meet, form self-sustaining cooperatives and start-up businesses, purchase materials and finance new initiatives.

Small Business Entrepreneurship

Wishwas assists members develop and manage a business plan, including marketing, budgeting, partnerships and sales. The organization provides mentors, workshops and networks to help leverage resources, attain loans and gain visibility for their work.

Legal and Health Resources

Wishwas believes in women’s holistic development and understand that legal and health barriers can prevent women from realizing their fullest potentials. The organization provides referrals to affordable and accessible healthcare, legal services and social services, to encourage emotional and physical well-being.

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