The Optimists, a non-profit, a self-motivated, volunteer driven, USA based international charitable organization, was founded in October 6, 2000. It is a 501 (C) (3) organization and contribution is tax deductible (US residents only). The Organization is run and managed by a Governing Body elected by the members. The organization is conscious about its limitations in terms of resources and time. As such it has decided to start its journey towards hope by providing food, clothing, education, tuition, books and medical care to the children of poverty in Bangladesh. The Optimists provides service to the children, adolescents, babies, as well as mothers in Bangladesh.
- Spend the least amount of money for admin costs
- Spend most money for the program to achieve the goals
- Bangladesh operation done through “The Optimists Bangladesh”, an International NGO registered in Bangladesh
- Financial statements are inspected and audited by the respective regulatory authorities in USA and Bangladesh
The Optimists has the following programs:
Program 1: The Child Sponsorship Program (CSP): a 7 year program designed for students from 6th grade to 10th grade in secondary schools (5 years) and Higher Secondary College or equivalent vocational/technical institute (2 years).
Program 2: The Special Sponsorship program (SSP): a 6 years program (4 years of Bachelor and 2 years Masters or equivalent) designed to provide financial aid to the selected extremely poor, gifted and talented children.
Program 3: The Rescue Savar’s Future (RSF): an 8 year program only designed to help the children of the victims garments workers of the collapsed building Rana Plaza at Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Program 4: Family Medical Assistance Program (FMAP): a pilot program for the distressed mother and children.
The Optimists is registered under the Charities Bureau at the Office of the NYS Attorney General and NGO Bureau, Government of Bangladesh.
Other Office:
36-46 37th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101