The New American Youth Forum (New American Youth Forum of NY) is an organization of Bangladeshi youth and students in Jamaica, New York City. The organization was founded as part of the New American Women’s Forum of New York and the New American Democratic Club. It is a not-for-profit social organization and is open to all communities of New York. The prime aim of the New American Youth Forum is to be aware of social and political issues that may affect the Bangladeshi youth and second-generation Bangladeshi Americans in New York and the USA. The group works under the guidance of Bangladeshi-American veteran activists to gain experience in the American political scene. The group members help in voter registration, campaign work, seminars, meetings, etc.
President: Ahnaf Alam
Executive VIce President: Shaikh Al Amin
Executive Director: Udisha Chowdhury
Vice President: D. Paul
Vice President: Saiful Taher
Vice President: Tanvir A. Khan
Vice President Media: Shah Faruk Rahman
Treasurer: Nazmul Islam
Community Affairs Director: Rafiur Chowdhury
Executive Secretary: Somaiya Alshaikh
Executive Board Member: Aasud Rahman
Executive Board Member: Aminul Islam
Executive Board Member: Panna A. Khan
Executive Board Member: Lamiyah Kamal