Founded in 2012, the Bangladeshi American Democratic Coalition (BADC) is an organization of Bangladeshi community in San Jose, California. The organization works as a not-for profit and volunteer dependent. Since 2013, BADC is registered with the Santa Clara County Democratic Party (SCCDP). The organization aims to promote democratic values among Bangladeshi immigrant community and motivate them to involve into the political process from just voting to run for political office. Bangladeshi American Democratic Coalition observes various important days like International Women’s Day, International Mother Language Day, Independence Day etc. The organization also honors America women of Bangladeshi heritage for their contributions to the society.
The primary objectives of Bangladeshi American Democratic Coalition (BADC) are:
- To voice for Americans of Bangladeshi heritage to protect their rights and influence issues important to them through the American political system;
- To enable Bangladeshi Americans to more fully participate in the American political process;
- To work with similar groups on issues of common interest;
- To develop next generation leadership within Bangladeshi community;
- To achieve recognition for Community by working in cooperation with other Groups on issues of common interest;
- To influence US policy, legislation and opinion on Bangladesh;
- To educate US legislatures on Bangladeshi issues;
- To promote US-Bangladesh relationship;
- To promote democratic values and institutions within Bangladesh;
- To facilitate trade and businesses between Bangladesh and the US;
- To establish cultural, educational and scientific exchanges between the two countries;
- To influence legislation on global warming and its mitigation in Bangladesh;
- To be the political voice for the Bangladeshi Americans.
President: Nasreen Rahim
Vice President: Farkhanda Jabeen (Tina)
General Secretary: Tahsina Haq
Director of Outreach: Nilufar Haque
Treasurer: Mahbub Alam