Federation of Bangladeshi Associations in North America, or FOBANA-Central, is a non-profit organization that preserves and promotes Bangladeshi culture in North America. It is a unifying force for the Bangladeshi community and a symbol of hope and aspiration. One of the principal aims of the organization is to keep Bangladeshi culture alive in North America, especially for the next generation of Bangladeshi Americans. The organization also helps to assimilate the young Bangladeshi generation with mainstream North American culture.
Members pay $100 annually to enjoy the organization’s benefits.
FOBANA-Central is separate from the Federation of Bangladeshi Associations in North America (FOBANA).
FOBANA-Central is a non-profit, non-political, and non-discriminatory organization. It is a tax-exempt organization under IRS 501c(3) (Tax ID: 26-1747615). Only qualified Bangladeshi associations in North America can be members of FOBANA-Central.
Affiliated associations:
Bangladesh Association of Montreal
Bangladesh League of America
Bangladesh America Friendship Society
Bangladesh Association of San Antonio
Writers’ Association of Bangladesh
Ananda Mela Los Angeles
American Bangladesh Business Association
Bangladesh Association of Michigan
Atlanta Social and Cultural Organization
Canada-Bangladesh Solidarity
Standing Committees of FOBANA-Central:
Bangladesh Liaison Committee
Health and Wellness Committee
Legal Committee
Business & Investment Committee
Unification Committee
Constitution & Procedure Review Committee
Media & Public Awareness Committee
Seminar Committee
Women Empowerment Committee
Cultural Committee
Mainstream Liaison Committee
Membership Review Committee
Social Network Committee
Youth Forum Committee
Goodwill and Promotion Committee
Awards Committee
Convention Liaison Committee
Scholarship Committee
Executive Logistics Committee
Convention Review Committee
Alumni Committee
Fundraising Committee
Budget & Finance Committee
Chairperson: Atequer Rahman
Vice Chairperson: Zahid Hossain
Executive Secretary: Dr. Rafiq Khan
Executive Joint Secretary: Mohamed Kabir Kiran
Treasurer: SM Lotifur Reza Tushar
Member: Zakaria Chowdhury
Member: Mahmud Musharraf Hussain
Member: Bedarul Islam Babla
Member: Dewan Moniruzzaman
Member: Sadek M Khan
Member: Sibbir Ahmed
Member: Arif Ahmed Ashraf
Member: Abul Ibrahim
Member: Rahim Nehal
Member: Syed Hossain Babu