Bangladeshi American Social & Cultural Organization BASCO

Bangladeshi American Social & Cultural Organization BASCO
25 Greenboro Court East, Amherst, NY 14051
Business Type
Business Description

Founded in 2019 as a not-for-profit, the Bangladeshi American Social & Cultural Organization WNY (BASCO WNY) is interested in uniting and organizing the Bangladeshi community of Western New York. The organization focuses on Bangladesh’s rich social and cultural heritages, emphasizes independence, and promotes the unity and diversity of Western New York’s various communities.

Activities of Bangladeshi American Social & Cultural Organization BASCO:

  • organize Bangladeshi cultural events
  • organize blood donations
  • promote volunteer work
  • promote health awareness
  • empower women and stand for their causes
  • help youth development via a mentorship program
  • liaison with local government

Board Of Directors

Anwar Imran Chowdhury
Dr. ANM Nazmul Hasan Khan
Md. Shahed Imam
Md. Sayeed Manzoor
Tania Islam

Executive Team

President: Anwar Imran Chowdhury
Vice President: Roksana Rafique Rima
General Secretary: Md. Sayeed Manzoor
Treasurer: Md. Shahed Imam
Women Secretary: Fyrose Nower
Operation Secretary: Khan Yasin
Cultural Secretary: Sharin Sultana
Joint Cultural Secretary: Ayesha Rahman
Communication Secretary: Sadia Rifah
Youth & Sports Secretary: Sefati Rafah
Advisor: Babul Serajuddoula

New York, USA

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