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London Bangla Press Club

London Bangla Press Club is a British Bangladeshi media association, located in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The organization is charity based. It was founded in 1993, as a professional umbrella organization to bring together UK-based Bangladeshi led media organizations in print, publishing, electronic, television and radio. It works to broaden the horizon and empower the wider Bangladeshi community in United Kingdom.

The organization is involved in promoting all forms of media education, including life, art, culture and heritage, socioeconomic, technical and creative skills training and media orientated employment opportunities. Its membership consists of British journalists of Bangladeshi origin who are involved in journalistic, press, publishing or broadcasting sector.

President – Mohammed Nobab Uddin
Mobile: 44-079-5644-1694

General Secretary – Mohammed Emdadul Haque Chowdhury
Mobile: 44-075-3569-6373

Treasurer – Mohammed Jubair
Mobile: 44-079-4479-2624

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