Sandwip Society USA, Inc. is a non-profit organization serving the Bangladeshi community in New York City, USA, specifically those with roots in the Sandwip District of Bangladesh. The organization is non-political and focuses on fostering a sense of community and mutual support among its members.
Sandwip Society USA offers three membership categories:
- General Membership: Open to individuals with roots in the Sandwip District of Bangladesh.
- Life Membership: A one-time donation of $500 upgrades a General Membership to Lifetime status.
- Associate Membership: The membership is open to anyone interested in and actively participating in Bangladeshi community activities in New York. Associate members do not have voting rights.
Sandwip Society USA organizes various activities to achieve its goals. These activities include:
- Social events: picnics, iftars (meals during Ramadan), eid reunions, and entertainment events.
- Community support: assisting victims of natural disasters in Bangladesh and helping unemployed members find jobs.
- Skill development: offering programs or resources to help members develop skills relevant to employment.
- Community building: publishing a magazine to connect members and share information.
- Funeral assistance: helping members and their families with various funeral arrangements.
President: Firoz Ahmed
Senior Vice President: Monjur Kader Shohag
Vice President: Abdus Salam Labu
Vice President: Abdul Mannan
Vice President: Mohammed Alamgir Hossain
General Secretary: Mohammed Hossain Alamgir
Joint Secretary: Engr Nasir Uddin
Organizing Secretary: Mohammed Jashim Uddin
Assistant Organizing Secretary: Mohammed Alauddin Faruk
Treasurer: Mohammed Anwarul Islam
Assistant Treasurer: Md Shohal
Social Welfare & Cultural Secretary: Nazim Uddin Sujan
Education & Literature Secretary: Md Forhad Hossain
Sports and Health Secretary: Nazim Uddin
Professional Training & Employment Secretary: Mohammed Arif
Publicity Secretary: Imrul Hassan Arfan
Office Secretary: Azmir Hossain
Mainstream & Law Secretary: Md Arifuzzaman Arif
Information & Technology Secretary: Rehan Uddin Sohel
Note: Don’t confuse this organization with the Sandwip Association of North America.