America-Bangladesh Press Club

America-Bangladesh Press Club
71-20, 35 Ave., Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Business Description

America-Bangladesh Press Club (ABPC) is an organization of Bangladeshi journalists living in New York and other cities. It was founded in 2008 in New York. The club aims to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Media Professionals (print, audio-visual, web, journalists, editors, reporters, publishers, etc.) working in the USA. Membership can also extend to writers, poets, novelists, essayists, professionals, sports personalities, community leaders, and social workers of Bangladeshi origin. ABPC consists of members who are life, general, and associate. Its funding comes from member subscriptions and donations. America-Bangladesh Press Club depends on member subscriptions and donations for its funding. Twelve members, elected every two years, run the club.


Activities of the America-Bangladesh Press Club (ABPC) generally include:

  • Exchange ideas about news and views in the USA and Bangladesh with people, persons, and organizations.
  • Protect the rights of Bangladeshi journalists working in the various Bangladeshi community newspapers and media outlets.
  • Give reception to visiting journalists, editors, writers, and government officials from Bangladesh.
  • Meet and greet local elected council members in New York.
  • Provide the Bangladeshi community free, honest, accurate, and timely information.
  • Keep Bangladeshi journalists employed, etc.


The club offers three categories of membership:

  • General/Primary Members: Professional print, broadcast, and online journalists. Primary members can participate in all club activities and are eligible to vote in elections.
  • Associate Members: Journalists and other workers of print, broadcast, and online media, writers, poets, novelists, and columnists, either working now or having worked previously in the USA or any other part of the world, are eligible to be associate members of the organization. They are not eligible to vote and stand for the club’s election.
  • Life Members: Members are eligible to become Life members of the organization, provided two-thirds of the Executive Committee approves and accepts them through formal ceremonies. Life members can participate in all activities and enjoy Club benefits, except participating in the club’s election.


President: Mir E Wazid Shibly
Senior Vice President: Akbar Haider Kiron
Vice President: Shibbir Ahmed
General Secretary: Mizanur Rahman
Joint Secretary: Rezu Mohammed
Treasurer: Sazzad Hossain
Organizing Secretary: Farhana Chowdhury
Publicity Secretary: Neher Siddiquee
Executive Member: Shahidul M Islam
Executive Member: Muhammad Shahidul
Executive Member: Mohammed A. Hossain

New York, USA
Social Media

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