The killing of one Bangladeshi Imam and his assistant in Ozone Park in broad daylight has shocked many people. The shock, disbelief, and pain were even much greater for the Bangladeshi community living in New York City. The Imam, Maulana Akonjee, was 55 years old, a father of three children, and a quiet, humble, and soft-spoken religious person, according to many who knew him. 64-year-old assistant, Thara Uddin, was Imam’s relative and his regular companion at home and mosque – now, even in death!
Bangladeshi community, as well as other communities, described the murder as a hate crime as the political climate in the USA is hot now with Republican Party candidate Donald Trump’s constant drumbeat of anti-Muslim propaganda. However, the New York City authorities were not willing to portray it as a hate crime unless they were absolutely sure. Whatever the reason behind this cold-blooded murder, it is a very sad incident.
I got the news of the incident within half an hour from Amin, someone who I know lives close to the mosque where the killing happened. The event was still developing, but he was sure that the Imam was dead. I could hear his voice, which was sad, shattered, and touchy. The next day, I learned more about the murder from the media and from him. He prayed behind the Imam many times in the mosque, talked to him occasionally, and listened to his Jumuah sermons. (Jumuah is the special Friday prayer for Muslims). After a few phone conversations with Amin, I was able to pay him a visit a few days later.

I intended to talk to him about his personal feelings about the incident. I thought that might help him unfurl his emotions and perhaps help me understand the psychological roller coaster of the community through his pain and portrayal of the event.
Amin not only knew Maulana Akonjee, but he also thought Imam was one of the best among all the four mosques he generally attends in his neighborhood. Imam’s soft, melodious voice during prayer, mild demeanor, and sermons made an impression on Amin. Imams used to preach Islamic teachings, follow Allah’s path and lead a simple, good, peaceful, right, peaceful life. He reminded his congregation of the importance of eating halal, becoming independent before marriage, marrying within the community, etc.
Imam came from close to Amin’s hometown in Bangladesh (the Bangladeshi community in Ozone Park came mostly from the northeast of Bangladesh). He was shocked by the fact that someone died whom he knew so up close and personal. The killing of an Imam was a big blow, too. ‘How come someone could kill an Imam?’ he asked me. He told me with teary eyes that he was not able to sleep for a few days after the incident. He has been praying for their departed soul all the time.
We talked about personal pain, community relations, interactions, security, the perception of police, community participation, etc.
What is the reaction among the Bangladeshi community?
In Ozone Park, both Bangladeshi and non-Bangladeshi were stunned by the incident because of the daring and cruelty of the event. Imam and his companion were killed not at night, not over money, not in fists or fights. They were killed in broad daylight from behind without any warning. Everyone is very sad.
Why do people think it is a hate crime?
Imam was killed without any reason – no fight, no money, no robbery. The killing was the result of some people’s hate of Muslims. Amin also thinks it is not only a hate crime it was also planned. Perhaps Imam was followed for days before he was killed. Or someone may have tipped the killer about his usual path. It was easy to identify him from the Imam’s dress and beard. (Amin thinks Imam was the target, but the killer did not want any witnesses, so his companion was also killed).
What is the reason for this hate in Ozone Park?
Amin is unsure what the reason is, but he guesses Islam is a peaceful religion that is spreading in the neighborhood. Many people may not like that. Recently, two non-Muslims converted to Islam in the neighborhood. Some may be afraid of the spread of Islam. Then, as part of its expansion, Al-Furqan Jame Masjid added a loudspeaker for the call to prayer last year. That may have created tension in the neighborhood with Spanish and Hindu residents. The mosque committee, however, lowered the volume of sound during the call for prayer. However, Amin loves the idea of a louder call for prayer.
Is the Bangladeshi community living in fear?
Bangladesh’s community is uneasy and apprehensive that this kind of incident can happen again! It is a fearful situation because Bangladesh Muslims in the area are easily identifiable. Police presence and increased security are needed in the area. The Bangladeshi community’s peaceful living depends on the police and the president. If police can provide security and a good president is elected, that is reassuring.
What is the reaction of other communities?
It is hard to know the real reaction of other communities, but they are also shocked. Some of them said it could have been happening to us. They are also afraid of their security. Amin noticed some converted American Muslims came to show their support and sympathy, and he felt good about it.
How does the Bangladeshi community interact with other communities?
Bangladeshi community’s interaction with their neighboring communities is minimal. Communities mix only because of work and must-do situations. Know-your-neighbor is not practiced or kept at a minimal level. Although they play soccer, cricket, and basketball together, sometimes that’s the only playtime interaction – nothing after that. The community members go on their way after playing together. Rules of the game govern the interaction, not the social excitement. The game itself is the focus, not the interaction and relationship building. Outside the field, the interaction is limited to ‘hi-hello.’
Community relationships are neither very good nor very bad. There is peaceful coexistence. On the other hand, a few years ago, a Bangladeshi journalist was killed. Amin’s uncle was attacked by a group of youngsters.
What is the reason for not mixing with other communities?
Amin thinks it is because of cultural differences. It is the halal and haram issue, not languages, dress, or music. There are restrictions on what a Muslim can do and does not do. He gave me an example: Muslims do not like dogs, but non-Muslims like dogs. According to Islam, even one hair of a dog can break a Muslim’s wudu/wuzu (ritual purification), he told me.
Food-related restrictions are the biggest barrier. Most Bangladeshi Muslims eat halal meat; they cannot trust the food of non-Muslim restaurants – not even vegetable dairy dishes. There is a suspicion that the same tools, utensils, etc., perhaps used for all kinds of dishes. Amin has an extended family living in Ozone Park. He does not know anyone from his family or friends that they went to eat food in other community restaurants. The concept of halal dominates the Bangladeshi community’s Muslim life in a very big way.
Does the Bangladeshi community need social support to help them overcome the grief and pain?
Bangladesh’s community needs support, but many people are working or busy; therefore, they cannot always come. Amin thinks if all communities also come forward to stop this kind of crime by protesting by demanding justice side by side with the Bangladeshi community, that may help to heal the pain. Bangladesh’s community needs more communal than personal intervention.
Why will other communities come to support them when the Bangladeshi community does not interact with them?
He does not know the answer, but he emphasized that more conversation and friendship should be helpful.
Do you think Donald Trump’s rhetoric has anything to do with this crime?
He is not sure but it could be a reason. Trump wants to ‘lockdown’ mosques. Trump’s portrayal of Muslims as terrorists sounds stupid because, he wondered, the Imam’s killer is not a Muslim!
How are you coping with your grief or sadness?
Amin feels bad when he goes to the mosque to pray; the absence of the Imam makes him sad. Or even when he sees someone in Islamic dress, he sadly remembers the Imam. He goes to the mosque and prays with others more.
After thought
Bangladeshi community in Ozone Park and surrounding areas have a strong regional bond with Bangladesh. Most of the people came to the USA from the north-eastern part of Bangladesh – Beanibazar, Barlekha, Juri, Kulaura, Fenchuganj, Golapganj, Balaganj, Jagannathpur, etc. They are deeply religious. Strict religious regulations, tight social grip, and traditional family value dominate their life. The mosque’s Imam is considered very precious and pious in the Bangladesh community. When such a person is killed in daylight without any apparent cause in a country like the USA, then the community’s deep sadness is perhaps understandable. I hope Amin will get strength and consolation through interaction with the Bangladeshi community, including other communities.