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Fundraising – Agami – Southeast Chapter

First Annual Fundraising event of Agami - Southeast Chapter will be held in Virginia on June 14th, 2015. Money raised from the event will be used programs in Bangladesh. Local singers will entertain the event. As a special guests Rezwana Choudhury Bannya and Anila Chowdhury will be present. Tickets include dinner. Tickets: $40/person. For tickets ... Read more...

Annual Fundraising of Saheli Boston, 2015

Annual Fundraising of Saheli Boston, 2015 to support Bangladeshi and other women who are victims of domestic violence.  This year theme is Nirbhaya - Life Free of Violence. You are invited to attend the Saheli Boston Annual Fundraiser Sept. 18th in Westin  Hotel in Waltham. The number of women from Bangladesh, living in Boston, seeking ... Read more...

Anniversary Celebration & Annual Fund Raising of Optimists

The Optimists - a Bangladesh not-for-profit based in USA will celebrate its 15th anniversary and conduct its annual fund raising dinner of 2015. All are invited. The presence of Bangladeshi community and cordial support will inspire and energize the organization to work hard and achieve the dreams for the welfare of dispossessed children. Venue: Five ... Read more...

Annual Fundraising Dinner – Desi Senior Center

First Annual Fundraising Dinner of Desi Senior Center. The center is a joint collaboration of Jamaica Muslim Center and India Home. The center also takes care of Bangladeshi Senior Citizens. The fundraising event will include a presentation of activities, achievements and future direction of the center. Local council member, Rory I. Lancman, will be present and ... Read more...


Fundraising of Jalalabad Association of America 2015

Gulshan Terrace 59-15, 37 Avenue, Woodside, NY, United States

Fundraising of Jalalabad Association of America. The aim of the event is to collect money to build the association's own building in New York. The proposed plan of the building will be presented before a cultural program. Dinner will be served at the venue. Suggested donation: Supporter: $200.00 Founding Member: $500.00 Gold Member: $1,000.00 Patron ... Read more...

Fundraising of North Bengal Foundation, USA 2015

Fundraising of North Bengal Foundation, USA 2015. The aim of the event is to collect money to help the poor people of North Bengal of Bangladesh. Collected donations will be used to distribute warm cloths to the people who are fighting bitter cold in the northern parts of Bangladesh. Donation can be given at the ... Read more...