Documentary Films on Bangladesh II_cover

Documentary Films on Bangladesh – Part 2

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by non-Bangladeshi Film Makers

So here are another list of few more documentary films on Bangladesh. First part of documentary films on Bangladesh listed nine docs. In this part, nine more are included. The subject matter of these docs are microcredit, safe work environment, water contamination, social life, natural world, etc.

Again, the documentary films on Bangladesh here are not a review, just descriptions and are in random order.

Clothes To Die For


Director:  Zara Hayes
2014 • 59 Min • UK

In April 2013, 18-year-old Shirin became one of thousands of people trapped inside the Rana Plaza building when it collapsed in the worst industrial disaster in the 21st century. In this moving documentary for BBC Two’s This World, Shirin and some of the other survivors tell their remarkable story of survival and escape. Many were rescued by ordinary local people who risked their own lives crawling into the rubble to save them. But Clothes To Die For also reveals the incredible growth of the Bangladeshi garment industry and the greed and high level corruption that led to the Rana Plaza tragedy. This tiny country has become the second largest producer of clothes in the world after China, transforming the country and providing employment for millions of people, most of them young women. As the personal stories of survivors reveal, in Bangladesh even a wage as low as £1.50 a day can be completely life-changing and many don’t want that opportunity taken away. Producing goods for several British and European high street stores, the tragedy at the Rana Plaza sent shock waves around the world about the safety of the Bangladesh garment industry. As one local factory owner said ‘At the end of the day if the retailers want more compliant factories they have to pay us more. Get the retailers together and make sure they pay us five cents more. Not even ten, we don’t even want ten cents, we want five, we’re happy with five cents on each garment’.

Bonsai People

Bonsai People cover

Director: Holly Mosher
2011 • 56 Min • USA | aka. বনসাই মানুষ

Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus is aptly titled. Muhammad Yunus likens poor people to the artificially stunted bonsai tree, “where nothing is wrong with their seed; society never allowed them to grow as tall as everybody else.” His vision to remedy poverty and help poor people overcome their situations led to his creation of the Grameen Bank. This innovative financial institution, which furnishes microcredit loans to poor women and demands creative requirements for eligibility (such as learning about hygiene), has changed aid in the developing world in the last few decades.

From Yunus’ initial personal loan of twenty-seven dollars given to forty-two people, microcredit has become global, and has affected over a hundred million families. Yunus, a Bangladeshi economist, received the Nobel Peace Prize for this work, and has since partnered with businesses in his attempts to do “social good.”

The video focuses on the life of poor people in rural Bangladesh, traces the steps that are taken to acquire a micro-loan, and interviews several recipients of loans in the past, assessing the benefits these specific village women have derived from the loans. The footage of the Bangladesh countryside is beautifully shot; the facts about poverty, health, malnutrition, and the fragility of life in much of the world are well placed throughout the video; and the interviews with the participants are moving.

Signature of Change, the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh

Signature of Change-cover

Director: Mark Aardenburg
1996 • 46 Min • Netherlands

Bangladesh with its 120 million people is one of the most densely populated countries. It is found in one of the world’s biggest river deltas. Most of the inhabitants, who are mainly Islamic, live in the beautiful countryside. Although very fertile, overpopulation and frequent natural disasters make life a continuing struggle; 85% live below the poverty line. The Bengali professor Muhammad Yunus cares about their fate. In 1983 he founded the Grameen Bank, which lends money to the poor and landless only. Today the Bank works in 35.000 villages and has more than 2 million borrowers, 94% of them are women. During the documentary Professor Yunus tells about the founding, development and future of the Bank. He seems like an impossible mix of socialist and capitalist ideals; a harmony of contradiction. His ambition is to create a poverty free world, for which he indeed set the first steps.

Bridging Two Worlds

Bridging Two Worlds cover

Director: Mark Verkerk
2005 • 56 Min • Netherlands

In a world in which the rift between rich and poor has never been greater, comes a timely story offering hope. This inspirational film charts the life of Motalib Weijters, a remarkable man at home in two contrasting worlds: Bangladesh and the Netherlands. At just seven years of age, he was plucked from a Dhaka street and taken to the Netherlands. Seventeen years later, Motalib goes back in search of his roots and family. There he begins a process that over ten years has ended up transforming a whole community. From street child to village “father”, Motalib shows that even in the face of massive global problems, individuals can make a difference.

Spoken languages and subtitling of Bridging Two Worlds are in Dutch and English.

When The World Sinks

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Director:  Yorgos Avgeropoulos
2009-2010 • 52 Min • Greece

On 25th May 2009, Cyclone Aila devastated southern Bangladesh, leaving an estimated 8,000 dead and over 1 million homeless. The IPCC claims that by 2050 1 in 7 Bangladeshis will be a climate migrant, forced from their homes due to ever-advancing sea levels, and the saline contamination and unemployment that inevitably ensue. With their land under water and their crops destroyed, many southern Bangladeshis have been forced to abandon farming for fishing, an industry that can only employ a fraction of the people who once worked on the now-vanished rice fields. As one former farmer explains, ‘My conscience tells me to leave, but where else can I go? It’s like a prison here.’

More infomation about Bangladesh – When The World Sinks.

Man-eating Tigers of the Sundarbans


Director: Ingrid Kvale
2009 • 48 Min • UK

Tiger experts in Bangladesh have a problem: how can they encourage local people to protect the beautiful and endangered Bengal tiger when these animals have developed a taste for human flesh?

The Sundarbans forest is one of the biggest tracts of mangrove forest left in the world. It is rich in wildlife and provides important forest resources for communities living around its edge. But up to 50 forest workers are killed by tigers each year and now the boldest animals are sneaking into villages at night.

This gripping film reveals the tension and heartache of living so close to a killer cat and follows the bold attempt by one village to teach street dogs to scare away the rogue tiger on their doorstep.

The Concert for Bangladesh

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Director: Saul Swimmer
1972 • 103 Min • USA

The first benefit rock concert when major musicians performed to raise humanitarian relief funds for the refugees of Bangladesh of 1971 war.

Ex-Beatle George Harrison organized this spectacular concert on August 1, 1971 at New York’s Madison Square Garden to help and aid the people from Bangladesh with all the money raised destined to that cause. Along with Harrison the concert features Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr, Billy Preston, Leon Rusell, Klaus Voormann and an Indian music section by Ravi Shankar, Ali Akbar Khan  and a set by the legendary Bob Dylan. The concerts raised close to US$250,000 for Bangladesh relief, which was administered by UNICEF. The event was the first-ever benefit concert of such a magnitude.

La boda de Mawla

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Director:  Zoltan Enevold
2009 • 52 Min • Spain | aka The Wedding of Mawla

Mawla is from Bangladesh and lives in Madrid. He has a job and a lot of friends but his dream is to have a family. After seven years he decides to go back to his country for the first time in order to find a bride and get married. La boda de Mawla was awarded the best medium length documentary at the Alcances Film Festival in Spain and was got honored mention at IV ACE Awards in Spain in 2010.


The Devil’s Water

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Director: Amirul Arham Sheikh
2006 • 52 Min • France | aka L’eau du diable

Every day 75 million people in Bangladesh and West Bengal, India consume water contaminated with toxic levels of arsenic. The problem has been ongoing since the late 1970s, when millions of tube wells were installed, throughout the region – unintentionally tapping arsenic tainted groundwater.

In what has been called the worst mass poisoning in human history, the World Health Organization estimates the extent of the human toll now exceeds that of both the Bhopal and Chernobyl disasters. Yet few are aware of the tragedy. Arsenic kills slowly, and its victims are poor, uneducated, and easily dismissed. The tube wells provide what appears to be clean, clear water; yet it is tainted with a tasteless and odorless poison. Millions continue to suffer in silence, slowly dying from cancer and other complications.

The Devil’s Water tells the story of three young women whose lives have been adversely affected by arsenic poisoning. Asma and Nazma are two sisters who have lost their mother to arsenic poisoning, and both suffer serious complications from arsenic themselves. Rekha is a young mother who has been rejected by her husband because of her illness, and is struggling to raise her son. The film captures the personal accounts of their tragedy and loss, set against the backdrop of scientists who examine the cause and effect of the arsenic contamination and attempt to discover a solution.

The Devil’s Water, is a film about what happens when water- the most precious of natural resources – turns deadly. The film is intended to draw world-wide attention to the humanitarian and environmental crisis that arsenic water poisoning poses to both Bangladesh and other afflicted countries around the world.

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Documentary Films on Bangladesh

Documentary Films on Bangladesh by some non-Bangladeshi Film Makers

Documentary films on Bangladesh by Bangladeshi film-makers are very scanty – it is almost a non-existence genre in Bangladesh. Most Bangladeshis like films that are dramatic, action-packed, emotional, hypnotic, and non-reflective. Therefore, fact-based, non-fictional documentary film making has no place there. Not in theaters, not on TVs. However, recently, there is a subtle movement among some young Bangladeshis to focus on this genre of film making.

Indeed, there are tons of issues to make documentary films on Bangladesh – Tons. Though it was not easy, over the years many non-Bangladeshis tried to document various issues affecting Bangladesh in film. Issues like environmental pollution, climate change, women’s right, working condition, prostitution, garments industry, labor rights, education, corruption, etc.

Below are a partial list of documentary films on Bangladesh made by non-Bangladeshis (and some are of Bangladeshi origin). Some are feature-length, some are shorts, some are old, some new. This list is certainly not complete, therefore, more writing this issue may follow! The list here is in random order.

These documentary films on Bangladesh are not reviews, just descriptions.

Iron Crows


Director: Bong-Nam Park
2009 • 93 Mins • South Korea • In Bengali with English Subtitles

This is a documentary about ship-breaking industry in Bangladesh. The world center for ship-breaking is located in the port city of Chittagong in Bangladesh — perhaps the poorest nation on earth — is home to the ship-breaking industry. Here huge megaton behemoths that once sailed the seas are sent to be broken apart by men and boys (some as young as 12, often wearing flip flops) who earn $2 a day, from which they send money home to their families. They wrestle with thousands of tons of iron and asbestos, wielding blow-torches, hammers and crowbars. Here is where half of the world’s retired vessels are dismantled by 20,000 people who risk their lives to eke out the barest living. Iron Crows is a remarkably beautiful film, in this case, not just for its superb cinematography, but also for its indelible insight into how some of the most exploited people in the world retain their courage, decency and fortitude.

“…Perhaps the most important achievement of this powerful film is the courage, dignity and humility of our heroes trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of crushing poverty. This film is a tour de force!” – IDFA 2009 Jury’s comment

Best mid-length doc, IDFA, 2009

Bad Weather


Director: Giovanni Giommi
2011 • 82 Min • England, Germany

Banishanta Island, a tiny sliver of land 100 meters long and 10 meters wide in the Bay of Bengal, south Bangladesh, is notable for two reasons: it is on the frontline of climate change, and its population is made up primarily of a community of sex workers. With the rising river, soil erosion, and frequent cyclones gradually destroying what is left of the island, Razia, Khadija, and Shefali, three of the last 65 women left living there, are in a battle for their homes, the future of their families, and even their quest for true love.

Bad Weather by Giovanni Giommi won The Doc/IT Professional Award 2012, screened at festivals worldwide.  It was also got Margaret Mead Filmmaker Award Special Mentions.

Hazaribagh: Toxic Leather


Directors: Eric de la Varène and Elise Darblay
2013 • 52 Min • France

On the outskirts of Dhaka lies a giant slum of tanneries and over 500,000 people who work in them. Every year this living hell floods the European market with cheap leather. The workers here slave away at archaic machinery in absolute squalor, turning 14 million skins into leather. Toxic products used on the leather burn their skin, cause cancer and kill most before fifty. This film delivers a devastating insight into one of the most terrible places on Earth.

Working in a Hazaribagh tannery however is not just an assault on the senses. Every day, the workers in the busy factories are exposed to corrosive and explosive chemicals that were banned from much of the world 20 years ago. Their bodies carry the stains of this continuous onslaught. Hands and feet are malformed, and up to 90% of workers develop an illness related to their work. In her dispensary, a doctor explains her experiences: “Women working in tanneries are often frail. They suffer from vaginal infections, joint pain, fever and coughing. The men are also debilitated, suffering from heart problems and gastritis.”

However, there is no respite from the owners of the factories. The uneducated workers receive no guidance on how to use the deadly chemicals, and receive no sick pay when they are taken ill. Away from work, the chemicals seep into the water of the rivers, polluting the lifeline that the whole city of Dhaka survives on. Even though the river is biologically dead, tannery owners refuse to give concern to the hazardous results of their actions: “Of course water containing chemicals is bad for the health. But if we worried about toxicity we’d stop working. Who is ready to do that?… it’s just the way it is”.

In Hazaribagh the people are fighting back, both on the streets and in the strong sense of community that they create. This film not only charts the experiences of the workers in the factories, but shows how they defend themselves from the horror of their lives. Ultimately however, it asks if we, the West, really cannot afford to pay a little more, if only to help the millions around the world who live in hellish conditions to feed our greed for ever cheaper products.

Rory Peck Awards: Sony Impact Award 2013

Every Good Marriage Begins With Tears

Every Good Marriage Begins with Tears-cover

Director: Simon Chambers
2006 • 62 Min • United Kingdom

Hushnara is a bride-to-be who has cold feet on the eve of her big day. Her sister, Shahanara, has already tied the knot, but she is far more Westernised than her Islamic village-boy husband from Bangladesh, and the marriage already looks shaky after only two weeks. Their father wants to see the girls settled, and their eldest sister urges them to fulfill their duty to the family. All the elements are in place for a crackling movie about reluctant brides and intractable elders. Only, Simon Chambers’s “Every Good Marriage Begins with Tears” is a documentary about real people and their unscripted attempts to balance their individual desires with social expectations. Shahanara and Hushnara are the children of Bangladeshi immigrants from London. Chambers was as a social worker for 14 years, and the family trusted him enough to let him record their most private squabbles and confessions. Chambers followed the sisters and other family members in London and Bangladesh, and has come up with a highly personal and intimate film about different attitudes to love across cultures and generations, which is at turns hilarious and deeply sad.

My Cultural Divide


Director: Faisal Lutchmedial
2006 • 75 Min • Canada

Filmmaker Faisal Lutchmedial goes beyond the activist stereotype as he takes a personal journey into his mother’s native country for the first time. A three-month visit to Bangladesh becomes a discovery of family and home that runs parallel with his attempt to tackle the complex issue of global trade. Starting from the opening scene My Cultural Divide questions the logic of the hardcore political activist, and wonders aloud whether ethical consuming actually does anything good for the workers behind the machines. Because of family connections Lutchmedial makes his way into some of the worst factories in Bangladesh, and talks frankly with the workers inside about their job and living conditions. Sometimes contradicting western activists, the labor leaders he speaks to soon make Lutchmedial question his own long-standing beliefs on child labor and personal responsibility. Accompanied by his ailing mother, Lutchmedial takes us on a very personal journey to bridge the gap between his heritage in Bangladesh and his life in Canada. He connects his politics with his humanity, and weaves together a story that is both thought-provoking and touching.



Director: Shaheen Dill-Riaz
2007 • 85 Mins • Germany | a.k.a. Iron Eater

In his critically acclaimed documentary film Iron Eaters, filmmaker Shaheen Dill-Riaz follows poverty-stricken farmers who try to escape the annual famine that strikes their home in northern Bangladesh. They trade in their plows for a blowtorch and begin to work as ship-wreckers, risking their health and their lives for a pittance.

The seasonal famine in the remote parts of northern Bangladesh forces farmers Kholil and Gadu to leave their fields. Along with several of their relatives, they travel south to work as seasonal laborers in the infamous ship yards that line the beaches of Chittagong. Their new job is to dismantle the garbage disgorged by the Western World: huge oil tankers, vast container ships and any vessel that has sailed the seas for too long.

Without heavy machinery and no protective equipment, they gut the ships right on the beach where they are driven ashore. Razor-sharp pieces of metal, toxic chemicals and hazardous tools turn the job into a living hell. > Buy this doc.

Easy Like Water


Director: Glenn Baker
2012 • 58 Min • USA, Denmark

As flood waters threaten, a visionary architect is building solar floating schools – and creating a blueprint for his country’s survival. But can ‘Bangladesh’s Noah’ keep his imperiled nation from drowning? By turns witty and heart-wrenching, ‘Easy Like Water‘ takes you on an off-the-grid journey that offers a refreshing new perspective on the resilience of the Global South.

Easy Like Water seeks to ignite and accelerate interest in “design for good” strategies for helping communities live with climate change in the world’s most-affected regions, such as Bangladesh, where the story unfolds. Learn more about each of the interconnected issues the film weaves together.

Scrap Vessel


Director: Jason Byrne
2009 • 55 Mins • USA

Scrap Vessel documents the last trip of the Hari Funafuti (formerly the Bulk Promotor and Hupohai – which means ‘Amber Ocean’), a cargo ship on its way to be scrapped. With a languid atmosphere using the massive ship like a landscape, the film explores what is found inside from the Hupohai’s communist past, onwards through an unseen attack by pirates and onto a distant beach and glowing ironworks factory, until the ship becomes a phantom.

Background:  In 1973 the freighter ship, Bulk Promotor, is built by Norway to transport coal and iron ore throughout Northern Europe. In 1985 the ship is sold to mainland China. Renamed Hupohai, it is used to distribute coal along the Yangtze River. Thirty-two years into the ship’s life, now called the Hari Funafuti, we board the vessel in Singapore on its final journey to Bangladesh.

Filmmaker Jason Byrne boarded the ship with fellow cameraman Theron Patterson in Singapore. They documented the journey on 16mm film and video, exploring the huge vessel top to bottom, finding scraps of its past crew including photos and 16mm motion picture communist propaganda. Filming the ship’s destruction on the beach in Bangladesh, they continued with its pieces to the Ali Rolling Mill in Chittagong, where the scraps were melted down.

The ship is completely gone now, but various artifacts were saved by Byrne, including the blueprints, safety posters, some of the 16mm film footage, photos of the original crew, a diary kept by a crew member, and a cassette tape of the captain’s favorite music.

Water Wars


Director: Jim Burroughs
2009 • 60 Min • USA

This timely documentary uncovers critical water issues facing humanity. It takes the viewer from the floods and droughts in Bangladesh, to dam building in India, water management in the Netherlands and the latest wake-up call in America: the Katrina disaster and the drought in the Southwest. Future wars will be fought over access to fresh water, unless we come together to face this global crisis. Without water there is no life.

The tagline of the documentary is ‘When Drought, Flood and Greed Collide’

Readymade | Contemporary Art from Bangladesh

Readymade | Contemporary Art from Bangladesh

Featuring Kazi Salahuddin Ahmed, Masum Chisty, Khaled Hasan, Imran Hossain Piplu, Promotesh Das Pulak, Dhali Al Mamoon, Yasmin Jahan Nupur, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman and Wakilur Rahman.

Venue: Aicon Gallery
35 Great Jones St, New York, NY 10012
(212) 725-6092

Dates: July 24 – September 6, 2014
The Gallery is closed every Sunday and Monday

Time: 10 am – 6 pm

Aicon Gallery is delighted to invite you to the first ever extensive survey exhibition of contemporary Bangladeshi art held in New York. The exhibition features nine artists collectively exploring the complex and interlocking cultural, political, economic and environmental issues currently facing the often paradoxical and rapidly changing society and state of Bangladesh in the new millennium. The nation’s exploding population, the daily socioeconomic struggles of the lives of millions, the consequences of climate change, shifting cultural and gender demographics and the future of industry and economic growth are just some of the vastly influential issues informing and challenging the visual and verbal language of Bangladesh’s diverse and quickly growing contemporary art scene. The work in this exhibition unpacks these issues through the concept of the readymade, both in its art historical context, defined a century ago by Marcel Duchamp, and as a term referring to Bangladesh’s massive and unwieldy ready-to-wear garment industry, which has made headlines recently due to the tragic consequences of its lack of regulation and harsh suppression of reform, while also remaining the economic backbone of Bangladesh’s growing economy.

Bangladesh-US Art Conclave

Bangladesh-US Art Conclave

Group Exhibition of Women Artists of Bangladesh and USA

Jointly organized by New York Art Collection and Gallery Twenty One, Dhaka

Opening Reception: June 21, Saturday, 5 pm – 8 pm

Artist from Bangladesh:

  • Kanka Chanpa Chakma,
  • Rokeya Sultana,
  • Maqsuda Iqbal Nipa,
  • Shameem Subrana,
  • Samina Nafeez,
  • Bipasha Hayat,
  • Afroza Jamil Konka, and
  • Laila Sharmeen

Artist from USA:

  • Galina Melnik,
  • Tina Iyalla,
  • Helen Dietrick,
  • Barbara Lenz,
  • Shamim Begum,
  • Laurie Samara-Schlageter,
  • Ai Wen Kratz, and
  • Anu Annam

Eyes On Bangladesh – Art, Culture, Dance, Music, and Marginalization

Eyes On Bangladesh – Photo Exhibition
Regular exhibition hours 10:00 am – 10:00 pm

The Eyes on Bangladesh Exhibition will showcase the work of nine noted Bengali photographers together in New York City for the first time. This project offers a vision of Bangladesh not often seen in the west, and begins a dialogue between first and second generation Bangladeshis in the process. Featured photographers include: Rashid Talukder, Taslima Akhter, Munem Wasif, Jannatul Mawa, Shumon Ahmed, Saikat Mojumder, Sarkar Protick and Rasel Chowdhury.

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm : Art, Culture, Dance, Music, and Marginalization
Please join us for performances with BIPA (Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts), Matty Davis from the Dance Company Boomerang, and vocalist Nadia Bourne, followed by a discussion about Art, Culture, Music and Marginalization with media critic and writer, Christina Riley from Media Masters Alliance.

All events are FREE and open to the public.