Eyes On Bangladesh – Art, Culture, Dance, Music, and Marginalization

Eyes On Bangladesh – Photo Exhibition
Regular exhibition hours 10:00 am – 10:00 pm

The Eyes on Bangladesh Exhibition will showcase the work of nine noted Bengali photographers together in New York City for the first time. This project offers a vision of Bangladesh not often seen in the west, and begins a dialogue between first and second generation Bangladeshis in the process. Featured photographers include: Rashid Talukder, Taslima Akhter, Munem Wasif, Jannatul Mawa, Shumon Ahmed, Saikat Mojumder, Sarkar Protick and Rasel Chowdhury.

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm : Art, Culture, Dance, Music, and Marginalization
Please join us for performances with BIPA (Bangladesh Institute of Performing Arts), Matty Davis from the Dance Company Boomerang, and vocalist Nadia Bourne, followed by a discussion about Art, Culture, Music and Marginalization with media critic and writer, Christina Riley from Media Masters Alliance.

All events are FREE and open to the public.