Climate Justice at the People’s Climate March – New York

Climate Justice at the People’s Climate March in New York.

World leaders are coming to New York City for a historic summit on climate change in September 2014 and people of the world will be waiting for them in the streets.  The UN Climate Summit happening right after the march, could be the “last chance” for an international deal. If world leaders aren’t forced to step up, “then many believe that political progress is impossible.” The People’s Climate March is a crucial factor in insuring the world gets on the right path.

Bangladesh is one of the very few countries who will be severely affected by climate change. A large part of Bangladesh will get submerged by rising sea level which ultimately will destroy millions of people’s livelihood. A conservative estimate predicts that by 2050 nearly 20% of the country will be claimed by the sea, displacing about 20 million people. People of Bangladesh have a special stake at the outcome of People’s Climate March. Some Bangladeshi organizations, such as, Bangladesh Environmental Network (BEN) will participate in the march.

Gathering Point

Columbus Circle
New York, New York 10023
Subway: A, B, C, D, 1

Route map of People's Climate March in New York
Route Map of People’s Climate March

March Route:

  • The march will begin at 11:30 am.
  • leave Columbus Circle and go east on 59th Street
  • turn onto 6th Ave. and go south to 42nd Street
  • turn right onto 42nd Street and go west to 11th Ave
  • turn left on 11th Ave. and go south to 34th Street
  • End Location: 11th Ave. in the streets between 34th Street and 38th Street

More Info:

People’s Climate
Facebook Page of People’s Climate March